When working overseas, passport is the most important document that legally establishes your identity. It is mandatory that you have a valid passport while working overseas. Make sure that your passport has enough time to expiry so that you don’t have to run after renewing it during your stay overseas.
Carry photocopies of the passport and extra passport size photos to get a duplicate one made in case you lose the original. Remember that every member of the family or work group has to have their own passport.
Visa defines the purpose of your visit and stay in the other country. Make sure that you go through the rules and regulations governing visa in that country. Check everything before hand and ensure that your visa complies with all the necessary work, education and other conditions.
If you have to visit a country often and come back to Australia, you can also avail multi entry visa. Check if the country you work in has this facility. Workers Compensation Lawyer
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Some other important things
Make sure you carry all possible legal documents that establish your identity. Get an international driving license if necessary. When you are working overseas, the amount of tax you pay changes. Look up the details before you work Thailand. Familiarize yourself with the basic medication and welfare facilities n the new place.
One way to develop a good and a harmonious relationship among you and your colleagues in your workplace is through team building.
If you have advanced skills like a master’s degree or a PHD you will want to find a job that is suitable for your skill set. You will have to network, do lots of online research and wait for some time till you land a god job.