There may be occasions when you have applied for a vacation trip but it was not sanctioned.  Some important work came through or your client wanted the urgent work to be finished and dispatched immediately. Perhaps, one of your family members became sick and you had to postpone your great idea of escaping from your work. However, there is one way out. How do you like planning a weekend getaway?

Exploring Cities and Coastal Areas

One creative idea is to explore your own city or the neighbouring cities instead of just spending time in the house. You can simply book online for a short city tour. St Andrews Getaways offers a memorable city tour package can involve sightseeing, trekking, visits to architectural buildings, parks and gardens, sporting clubs, restaurants, and shopping.

It is never too late to explore various places of attractions that you have not visited. You can look for some good resorts and even beaches some miles away from your hometown.

You can simply escape from your stressful weeks by dining out at some luxury restaurant inside a hotel one Sunday evening. You can enjoy the best liquor and the best food available there.

You can also consider visiting a health spa or a massage parlour for an even more relaxing weekend.

Just for a change, you can rent a house or a cabin somewhere out of your city and enjoy with your friends partying, drinking, and even barbecuing.

You can take your own tent and accessories and do some camping out right in the middle of the forest. It would be so much fun and adventurous for you that you will want to do this repeatedly.